Journal #20: Gender and Psychology
For the module three project, we spilt the class into three different groups and in those groups we made a video about society's stereotypes, what it means to be a girl/women and what it means to be a boy/man.
Group #1: The people that I saw on camera and that I heard speaking were Tasha, B-Rad, Buggy, Tanman, Cam and Bailey. For the video I liked the fact that they had a skit at the beginning showing the "typical" stereotypes, and with the people that they interviewed there was a wide range of age groups and genders. I also like the question asking how the gender stereotypes made the person feel. One part of the video that I feel should not have been in their video is the part of Kaden interview when he puts down other people for actions that they take, but it also showed the way he feels toward that subject.
Group #2: The people that I saw in the video were Mariah, Kelsey, Sammy, Elena, Boots, Keaton, Mav, Carly and T-Bone Stevenson. For this video I like the way that they had the skits at the beginning and end showing the different boy/men and girl/women stereotypes transforming to the people coming together and acting more similar. I feel that the background noise took a lot away from the video because you could not hear what people were saying at times. I like the age groups of interviews and that they used about an equal amount of male and female. I wish there was more interviews outside of the school with like parents and grandparents.
Group #3: This was the group that I was in along with Da'Marcus, Jacob, Alyssa, Courtney, The Illusion, Aubree, and Kayla. I like the way that we spilt up the work. We had 4 different parts: On-Air, Young vs. Old, Commercial, and Man on the Street. With each of the parts we had two main people work on each of them, which I feel was a good idea because we did not have so many ideas bouncing around the whole group, but it also wasn't a great idea because not everyone did their work so some had to do more than others. We also were not very connected with the group and all in different places at times. The editing process was not my favorite thing to do because it was hard to have everyone be able to work on it together, especially when everyone does not know how to edit. Going along with everyone working together, I connected to my TV pro class because once it comes to the editing process it usually just one or two people working on it, so once you have 8 people trying to work on it project it get very hard, especially with such a small computer and everyone is trying to look at it.